Photo: Actuarius Arts

About Us

Willaston Residents' and Countryside Society has represented the interests of Willaston residents since 1975.

About Us

Willaston Residents' and Countryside Society has represented the interests of Willaston residents since 1975.

The aims of the Society are to:

  • Protect and improve the environmental amenities of the village and its surroundings;
  • Preserve and encourage village cultural and social activities;
  • Represent the views of the village and monitor matters of common interest.

The committee consists of officers and resident representatives elected at our AGM, representatives from local organisations and the local councillor.  We are all volunteers who give our time freely and do not claim expenses. Our activities are guided by our constitution.

We meet every two months on the third Monday of the month at 7.15pm in the Methodist Church School Room.  The first 15 minutes of each meeting is open to anyone in the village to come and raise issues with us.  Meetings are also open to observers who may attend throughout to listen to our discussions.  If possible, please contact us in advance if you wish to attend.

During 2013-4, we initiated the Willaston District Community Plan.  On completion, the group passed the plan to us and this informs the work that we do and our priorities.  The plan has led to the development of the play area appeal and the formation of Friends of Hadlow Road Station.

In 2018, we initiated the Christmas lights appeal to ensure the tree on the village Green isn’t left in darkness and pulled together a group of organisations to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the end of World War One.

We developed a new logo which was adopted in March 2020.  To see a paper about the process of developing the logo, click here

We produce a newsletter approximately twice a year which is delivered to every house in Willaston.

©2025 Willaston Residents & Countryside Society | Made in Great Britain by S Gamble Design & Web Ltd